Manage your notifications

In this article, we are going to show you how you can manage your settings and choose when we'll send you an email to let you know what's been happening within Chirpy. 

1) Make sure you are logged into the Chirpy Website.

2) From the homepage either click the Account icon or in the right-hand corner select the hamburger menu (3 lines) and select Account which is located underneath your name at the top of the menu

3) Click manage my notifications

Managing your Chirpy Message notifications: 

Messages only to you: These are one on one messages between you and your Chirpy connections. 

If you'd like to receive them immediately make sure this is turned on, otherwise you will receive them once a day within your daily digest. 

What are advanced settings? Let's say you want to hear from your host or a friend immediately but have all other messages notified within your daily digest - simply click the Advanced button. 

By default, you'll receive notifications as they come in. To amend, switch the default value off. Select those who you'd like to be notified when they send you a message. All other messages will be received in your daily digest. 

Messages to you and others: These are what we call group messages, generally set up by hosts or admin and may include lots of different members. 
You can choose to be notified immediately, or have these included in your daily digest. Again you can pick and choose which group messages to be notified of and the frequency by clicking the advanced button and following the instructions above. 

Managing your Group notifications

New CatchUp: You can choose when you'll be notified of new catchups listed. If you'd like to receive them as your host lists them, make sure the toggle is on. If you're happy for them to come in your daily digest you can turn this notification off. 

Are you a member of multiple groups? Click the Advanced button to select your notifications for each group. By default you will receive a notification for all catchups listed, however, you can choose which groups to be notified of immediately and ones you just want to be informed of within the Daily Digest. 

New Chit-Chat: Every time a member posts in a group chit chat that you are a part of, you'll be notified. You can choose to receive these immediately or as a part of the daily digest. If you are a member of multiple groups then we definitely recommend receiving these notifications in your daily digest. However you can change these permissions for each group by clicking the Advanced button and only selecting the groups you want to be informed of immediately - all the rest will be received in your daily digest. 

New Group notices: From time to time hosts and admin will pop a group notice up on the board, these can be important reminders, photos of the latest catchups or some funny memes. You have control over when you'd like to receive these notifications and you can also customise this for each group your a part of within the advanced settings. 

Other Settings

Please note: These settings are not customisable for each group that you are a part of. If you change one of these settings to be received in the Daily Digest or immediately the change will be for all groups you are a part of. 

CatchUp cancelled: You can choose whether to be notified immediately or within the Daily Digest of any catchups that have been cancelled. 
Socials: Choose how you'd like to be informed of cancelled socials
Chirpy News: Each time we post a new article on Chirpy News - you can choose how you'd like to be notified

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